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Springbank FSC - General Dispute Reporting and Resolution Procedure

The Springbank Figure Skating Club (Springbank FSC) is committed to providing an environment that is characterized by integrity, mutual respect, the value of fairness and open

From time to time, issues may arise that conflict with Springbank FSC’s ice etiquette rules and safety guidelines, which are always in effect for all Springbank FSC coaches, members and parents.

Springbank FSC Coaches are responsible for the skaters at all times during sessions; thus, coaches are the skaters’ and parents’ first point of contact for all issues.

In alignment with Skate Canada, Springbank FSC strongly encourages that the individuals involved make every effort to resolve the dispute amongst themselves. If the dispute is resolved among the parties then no escalation is required.

If resolution is not feasible, Skate Canada requires that complaints of general disputes be submitted in writing to the club or skating school as the first step to resolving the dispute.

Complaint Reporting Process:

1. Wait 24 hours after the incident.

2. A complaint in writing must be submitted to the President and Vice President of SFSC. The complaint must be received within 30 days of the alleged incident. The complaint should
contain as much information about the incident, including but not limited to dates, times, and locations of the occurrence(s), names of any witnesses to the occurrence(s), and a detailed
description of the offensive behavior. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted but a complainant may request anonymity during the process.

3. Upon acceptance of the general dispute, acknowledgement will be provided to the complainant and notice will be sent to any other affected party that a dispute has been

4. For a complaint received and accepted, the President/Vice President and one other board member will be in charge of the investigation and resolution process and come to a decision
which will be presented to the SFSC Board.

5. The complainant and the respondent, will be notified of the SFSC Board’s findings and conclusions made as a result of the investigation, including disciplinary action (as applicable).

6. Disciplinary measures may include any of the following:

• Verbal reprimand which may be placed on the individuals record
• Written reprimand to be placed on the individuals record
• Verbal or written apology to complainant or Club Member
• Suspension from SFSC programs for a designated period of time
• Expulsion from the club

7. An alleged offender will have five (5) days from the date of notification of discipline to appeal the decision made by the Board. The appeal must contain a clear and concise summary of the
grounds for the appeal.

8. A Special Committee of (3) board members will be established to hear any appeals related to the discipline or actions undertaken as a result of the investigation. The Committee will have no
significant relationship with the complainant or the respondent.

CONFIDENTIALITY - Once a general dispute has been reported and until a decision is released, to protect the interests of all parties, no individual is permitted to disclose either the existence
of a complaint or confidential information or records that form part of the investigation of the complaint to any individual outside of the complaint except as strictly required for the purposes
of investigating, taking corrective action with respect to the complaint, or as otherwise compelled by law.

ACTING IN GOOD FAITH - Anyone reporting a concern must be acting in good faith and have
reasonable grounds for believing the information being reported is true and accurate. Any
allegations that prove not to be substantiated and prove to have been malicious or
intentionally false will be viewed as a serious offence, subject to disciplinary action.

Springbank FSC

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