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Volunteer Requirements:

Volunteers are essential to the operation of SFSC. The combined efforts of our members ensure not only that administrative responsibilities are carried out, but also facilitate our events and activities. Hundreds of hours go into running the club so each family is expected to volunteer their time.   

A minimum of 10 volunteer hours is required per family, who has a skater in the STARskate program. Throughout the year it will be each family's responsibility to keep track of their volunteer hours with the Volunteer Coordinator. SFSC will prorate the hours required accordingly for those who register for StarSkate/ Group Star later in the year.

Families who opt out of the volunteer requirements will be charged a $350 volunteer commitment fee by Sep 15 of the current season

Families who do not opt out OR fulfill the volunteer requirements throughout the regular skating season will have a $350 charge added to their latest invoice on file with SFSC, which will be automatically charged to the credit card on file for that payment, unless there are extenuating circumstances that have been previously approved by the SFSC Executive. The fee will be prorated for those that register later in the season.

Where there are not enough volunteer opportunities in a given year to allow families to meet their 10 hour minimum requirement, the SFSC Executive will consider the ratio of overall opportunities available to time committed by each family before issuing the charge. 

Fundraising & Casino requirement

Fundraising is  essential to the operation of SFSC. All families are expected to participate in mandatory fundraisers as determined by the executive.  Those who do not participate will be charged an equivalent amount to their accounts. 

One of our major fundraising opportunities is the SFSC Casino, which is allotted to the club every 18-24 months by the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission. Casinos are important to all members of our club as it defers many of the costs skating families would have to otherwise incur as the funds raised go towards subsidizing costs of ice sessions. In the years SFSC is awarded a Casino, all families are required to volunteer at the Casino or provide an individual who will volunteer on behalf of the family. 

Families who do not volunteer for casino positions will have a $300 charge added to their latest invoice on file with SFSC, which will be automatically charged to the credit card on file for that payment, unless there are extenuating circumstances that have been previously approved by the SFSC executive.  

Any questions regarding fundraising requirements or opportunities can be directed to the Volunteer Coordinator.


Springbank FSC

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